asean japan



Economic Cooperation

The Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Partnership among Japan and ASEAN Member countries (AJCEP Agreement) was signed in 2008. Under the Agreement, Parties agreed to promote economic cooperation activities, including capacity building, technical assistance, for their mutual benefits in order to liberalize and facilitate trade and investment and to improve the well-being of the peoples of the Parties, taking into account the different levels of economic development among ASEAN Member States and Japan.

The Agreement also established the Sub-Committee on Economic (AJCEP-SCEC) to develop and monitor the economic cooperation activities pursuant to the provisions in the AJCEP Agreement.

Funding for AJCEP economic cooperation activities can be sourced from the AJCEP component under the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) which was established in March 2006 to support ASEAN’s integration efforts to create the ASEAN Community.

Areas for AJCEP economic cooperation and guidance on project proposals: Download here